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Villa Tortorelli


You enter Villa Tortorelli through a secret street of  Palazzo Uzielli. Palazzo Uzielli is an emblematic example of the Florentine Art Nouveau style and was built between 1902 and 1904 together with Villa Tortorelli, at the time the palace’s stable.

The building presents a unique mix of elements typical of the Jugendstill language with others recovered from the neo-Renaissance tradition, obviously reinterpreted in the spirit of the time and of undoubted originality, so as to make the building unique in the Florentine panorama.

Teatro Principe Umberto I

Palazzo Uzielli and Villa Tortorelli rise on the ashes of the Teatro Principe Umberto I, built in the second half of the nineteenth century when Florence was the capital of Italy.

On the right the theater Pincipe Umberto, where Villa Tortorelli now stands
1889 Photos

Photos from 1889 documenting the destruction of the theater Principe Umberto. To date, the origins of the fire are unknown with  some assuming to be of  intentional nature.

Palazzo Uzielli today

The Villa is accessed through the entrance of Palazzo Uzielli (wooden door on the right) and then by proceeding through an hidden street.